Cover von: Aus der Literatur zum antiken Judentum 1998-2015
Michael Tilly

Aus der Literatur zum antiken Judentum 1998-2015

Rubrik: Forschungsberichte
Jahrgang 82 (2017) / Heft 3, S. 195-223 (29)
Publiziert 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004056917X15072712938841
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
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  • 10.1628/004056917X15072712938841
This collection of reviews contains discussions of the most recent monographs, conference volumes, and essay collections that deal with the history and literature of ancient Judaism in its manifold manifestations. The collection can be divided into three major thematic sections: In the first part it discusses books related to Jewish environments and life styles, spanning a time frame from the Second Temple Period until the Rabbinic Period. The second part deals with a series of recent publications related to ancient Jewish literary realms. The third and final section is dedicated to a review of the latest publications on Jewish identities and institutions of the Hellenistic-Roman era. Vasile Babota, The Institution of the Hasmonean High Priesthood (JSJ.S 165). E. J. Brill, Leiden, Boston 2014, XVII + 347 S. - Andreas Blaschke, Beschneidung. Zeugnisse der Bibel und verwandter Texte (TANZ 28). A. Francke Verlag, Tübingen/Basel 1998, XIII + 567 S. - Junghwa Choi, Jewish Leadership in Roman Palestine from 70 CE to 135 CE (AJEC 83). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2013, IX + 236 S. - Ehud Ben Zvi/Christoph Levin (Hg.), Thinking of Water in the Early Second Temple Period (BZAW 461). W. de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2014, XV + 485 S. - William den Hollander, Josephus, the Emperors, and the City of Rome. From Hostage to Historian (AJEC 86). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2014, XII + 410 S. - Christian Frevel / Christophe Nihan (Hg.), Purity and the Forming of Religious Traditions in the Ancient Mediterranean World and Ancient Judaism (DHR 3). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2013, XV + 601 S. - Charles Thomas Robert Hayward, Targums and the Transmission of Scripture into Judaism and Christianity (SAIS 10). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2010, XV + 432 S. - Paul Heger, Women in the Bible, Qumran and Early Rabbinic Literature. Their Status and Roles (STDJ 110). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2014, XII + 420 S. - Catherine Hezser, Jewish Travel in Antiquity (TSAJ 144). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2011, X + 529 S. - Alberdina Houtman/Harry Sysling (Hg.), Alternative Targum Traditions (SAIS 9). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2009, XIII + 304 S. - Ulrich Kellermann, Eheschließungen im frühen Judentum. Studien zur Rezeption der Leviratstora, zu den Eheschließungsritualen im Tobitbuch und zu den Ehen der Samaritanerin in Johannes 4 (DCLS 21). W. de Gruyter, Berlin/München/Boston 2015, XI + 272 S. - Thierry Legrand / Jan Joosten (Hg.), The Targums in the Light of Traditions of the Second Temple Period (JSJ. S 167). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2014, XIII + 259 S. - Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt/Chana Safrai, Talmud lernen. Vorträge an der Evangelischen Akademie zu Berlin 1992-2001 (hrsg. v. Andreas Pangritz u. Daniela Koeppler). Orient & Okzident Verlag, Bonn 2014, 371 S. - Ari Mermelstein, Creation, Covenant, and the Beginnings of Judaism. Reconceiving Historical Time in the Second Temple Period (JSJ. S 168). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2014, XII + 216 S. - Hindy Najman, Past Renewals. Interpretative Authority, Renewed Revelation and the Quest for Perfection in Jewish Antiquity (JSJ. S 53). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2010, XXII + 270 S. - Joseph S. Park, Conceptions of Afterlife in Jewish Inscriptions. With Special Reference to Pauline Literature (WUNT II/121). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2000, XI + 227 S. - Mladen Popović (Hg.), Authoritative Scriptures in Ancient Judaism (JSJ. S 141). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2010, IX + 394 S. - Shmuel Safrai / Peter J. Tomson (Hg.), The Literature of the Sages. First Part: Oral Tora, Halakha, Mishna, Tosefta, Talmud, External Tractates (CRI II 3.1). E. J. Brill, Leiden/Boston 2014, XXI + 464 S. - Daniel R. Schwartz, Reading the First Century. On Reading Josephus and Studying Jewish History of the First Century (WUNT 300). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2013, XVIII + 204 S. - Sören Swoboda, Tod und Sterben im Krieg bei Josephus. Die Intentionen von Bellum und Antiquitates im Kontext griechisch-römischer Historiographie (TSAJ 158). M