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Cover von: Die iranische Reform des Ehegattenerbrechts
Nadjma Yassari

Die iranische Reform des Ehegattenerbrechts

[The Reform of the Spousal Share under Iranian Succession Law - An example of the transformability of Islamic law - Die iranische Reform des Ehegattenerbrechts Ein Beispiel für die Wandelbarkeit des islamischen Rechts]
Rubrik: Aufsätze
Jahrgang 73 (2009) / Heft 4, S. 985-1004 (20)
Publiziert 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/003372509789566686
Veröffentlicht auf Englisch.
  • Artikel PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY 4.0
  • 10.1628/003372509789566686
The Reform of the Spousal Share under Iranian Succession Law - An example of the transformability of Islamic law. It is generally held that Islamic law is a static system of rules, unable to accommodate change. This is especially thought true of family and succession laws that are firmly rooted in a religious foundation. Nonetheless, one can observe in the last decades how active the Iranian legislator has been in reforming its family laws, with the result that a number of traditional provisions have undergone remarkable changes. Most recently, the Iranian Parliament ventured into the field of succession law by amending the inheritance portion received by the surviving wife, which so far had been limited to movables. Under the new regulations, she takes her portion also from immovable property. The previous limitations placed on the inheritance portion of the widow have no base in the Koran, the primary source of Islamic shi'i law, and were deduced from another primary source of law, notably the traditions of the twelve Imams. This article examines the religious foundations of the inheritance rule on the spousal share, its codification in the Iranian Civil Code and the proposed amendments by the Iranian Parliament. It shows how the Iranian Parliament by emphasising another interpretation of the sources has been successful in changing a rule that has prevailed in Iranian law for over 80 years. Without doubt, this reform is a significant step towards the harmonisation of the widow's inheritance share and the elimination of the harsh economic consequences of the rule as it stood. Beyond this effect however it can also be taken as an illustration of the way legal development can be set within an Islamic framework. Moreover, it shows that it is ultimately the intrinsic structure of the sources of Islamic law and the methods by which law is deduced from them that makes reform possible.