
Johannes Schwehm

Präventive Selbstverteidigung. Eine vergleichende Analyse der völkerrechtlichen Debatte

Rubrik: Abhandlungen
Archiv des Völkerrechts (AVR)

Jahrgang 46 () / Heft 3, S. 368-406 (39)

39,00 € inkl. gesetzl. MwSt.
Artikel PDF
Since 9/11 and the resulting war on terrorism the question of preventive self-defence became one of the most disputed issues between experts of international law. Following a comparative approach the article tries to summarize and systemize the conflicting views on the question of prevention. The scope of the article is to provide a thorough analysis and interpretation of the ongoing debate in order to reveal the limits of a purely legalistic line of argument for the subject of prevention.Especially the recent emergence of non-state actors shed a new light on traditional – state centred – international law.

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