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Cover of: Kommunikation des Evangeliums in »Europa«. Eine praktisch-theologische Bestandsaufnahme
Christian Grethlein

Kommunikation des Evangeliums in »Europa«. Eine praktisch-theologische Bestandsaufnahme

Section: Articles
Volume 110 (2013) / Issue 2, pp. 234-262 (29)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435413X666387
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  • 10.1628/004435413X666387
In this article, the author investigates the underlying principles of the term »communication of the gospel« as well as the three modes of this communication: In the mode of teaching and learning, communication of the gospel takes place in various forms at different social institutions. Usually these forms are if anything implicit and do not receive public attention. When celebrating together, problems in regard to participation are hard to overlook. It is obvious that the enormous changes in public and private communication have not yet found their way into the liturgical code. There are considerable challenges as well for the mode of life assistance due to the politically motivated competition in healthcare and social work. Here it is essential to establish the fact that being physically present to assist must be on an equal footing with the funds provided to intervene where help is needed. In conclusion the author provides information on the methodology of further practical-theological research.