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Cover of: Wehrlose Wahrheit: Die Christus bekennende Kirche inmitten der Vielfalt der Religionen Religionen
Hinrich Stoevesandt

Wehrlose Wahrheit: Die Christus bekennende Kirche inmitten der Vielfalt der Religionen Religionen

[Wehrlose Wahrheit: Die Christus bekennende Kirche inmitten der Vielfalt der Religionen Wehrlose Wahrheit: Die Christus bekennende Kirche inmitten der Vielfalt der Religionen]
Section: Articles
Volume 102 (2005) / Issue 2, pp. 204-225 (22)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/004435405774478242
  • article PDF
  • available
  • 10.1628/004435405774478242
The church, used to living in secular surroundings for a long time, now sees itself confronted with yet another challenge in the form of non-Christian religions. How can theology react to this situation? The author presents a critical outline of different approaches to a »theology of religions« which he places against a plea for the belief in »solus Christus«, bearing witness to the defenceless truth of the crucified Savior.