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Simon Laimer
Beschränkung rechtsgeschäftlicher Erfüllungsverpflichtungen
Eine rechtsvergleichende Untersuchung zur vertraglichen Leistungsbegrenzung am Beispiel von Qualitätsvereinbarungen beim Warenkauf sowie anhand der Definition des Haftpflichtversicherungsfalles
[Restricting Obligations to Perfom. A Comparative Study Regarding Contractual Restrictions to Perform Using the Examples of Quality Agreements for the Sale of Goods and the Definition of the Insured Event in Liability Insurance.]
2020. XXIX, 551 pages. Published in German.
Based on the examples of restrictive quality agreements for the sale of goods and the definition of the insured event in liability insurance Simon Laimer analyses the limits and interpretation of contractual restrictions to perform. Relying on a comparative approach, he is able to critically assess the different national, international and soft law sources and to offer two concrete regulatory proposals.