Cotton Mather
(1663-1728) The leading New England theologian of his period, Mather was both a defender of Reformed orthodoxy and an intellectual innovator, who propagated the Pietist renewal of Protestantism and embraced ideas of the Early Enlightenment. Best known for his Magnalia Christi Americana (1702), he published more than 400 works in various fields including church history, natural theology, and medicine.
Reiner Smolinski
Born 1954; 1987 PhD in English and American Studies from The Pennsylvania State University; Professor of Early American Literature and Culture at Georgia State University (Atlanta).
The following reviews are known:
In: Catholic Biblical Quarterly—74 (2012), S. 137-139
(Thomas H. Olbricht)
In: Choice—48 (2011), No. 10
(B.M. Stephens)
In: Early American Literature—47 (2012), S. 228-233
(Robert Middlekauff)
In: Fides et Historia—45 (Summer/Fall 2013)
(Steven R. Pointer)
In: —56 (2009/10), 1973
(International Review of Biblical Studies)
In: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament—35.5 (2011), S. 139-140
(K. Möller)
In: Nederlands Dagblad—17. September 2010, S. 4 (Beilage)
(Herman J. Selderhuis)
In: Religious Studies Review—37 (2011), S. 232-233
(Douglas A. Sweeney)
In: Revue Théologique de Louvain—43 (2012), S. 112-114
(Pierre-Maurice Bogaert)
In: The New England Quarterly—85 (2012), S. 355-358
(Mark A. Noll)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung—138 (2013), S. 1361-1364
(Markus Wriedt)
In: Westminster Theological Journal—73 (2011), S. 390-393
(Randall J. Pederson)
In: Zeitschr. f. Kirchengeschichte—122 (2011), S. 406-407
(David W. Kling)