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Brückenschlag zwischen den Rechtskulturen des Ostseeraums

Das Recht als Integrationsinstrument im Ostseeraum
Edited by Helmut Heiss
[Bridging Legal Cultures in the Baltic Sea Area. Law as a Means of Integration in the Baltic Sea Area. Edited by Helmut Heiss.]
2001. XIX, 323 pages.
Published in German.
  • paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-147552-8
After the socialist systems had collapsed, the Baltic Sea states moved closer together, and all problems observed in Europe which followed the collapse of Communism can be found in the Baltic Sea area. The institutions of this area are particularly important for an integration process which has to take place before these countries become members of the E.U. and also for their role in improving relations with Russia. In this book, the authors discuss various aspects of the law as a means of integration in the Baltic Sea area. They deal with questions surrounding the transformation of post-socialist legal systems, the integration of Poland and the Baltic states into the E.U., the economic and historical aspects of trade in the Baltic Sea area as well as aspects of conflict of laws and harmonization of laws in the Baltic Sea area.