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Annegret Eding

Bundesfachplanung und Landesplanung

Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Bund und Ländern beim Übertragungsnetzausbau nach §§ 4 ff. NABEG
[Federal Specialist Planning under the Grid Expansion Acceleration Act. Conflicts Between Federal and Regional Governments.]
2016. XXX, 424 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-153987-9
In order to achieve the so-called energy turnaround and to further expand the transmission grid, the German legislator passed the Grid Expansion Acceleration Act (NABEG) in 2011. With the NABEG, an entirely new procedure of »federal specialist planning« (Bundesfachplanung), which is to be administered by a federal agency, was introduced. One of the most controversial questions raised and discussed with regard to this planning instrument concerns its relationship to the established spatial planning competence of the federal states (Landesplanung). This interrelation is analyzed in the present thesis.

Schriften zum Infrastrukturrecht (InfraSR)