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Ruben Zimmermann
Christologie der Bilder im Johannesevangelium
Die Christopoetik des vierten Evangeliums unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Joh 10
[The Christology of the Images in the Gospel of John. Christopoetics in the Fourth Gospel, particularly in John 10.]
2004. XIX, 551 pages. Published in German.
The many images of Jesus Christ contained in the Gospel of John, such as for example the »Good Shepherd«, the »Lamb of God« or the »Bread of Life« have been enormously influential throughout history. In this literary-hermeneutic study, Ruben Zimmermann shows that these images have an aesthetic influence as well as some theological value in the entire concept of the Gospel, since it is in and through pictorial language that Christological reflection takes place.