
Otmar Meuffels

Christsein im demokratischen Handeln

Trinitarische Einsichten – gesellschaftliche Interessen

[Christianity in Democratic Action. Trinitarian Insights – Social Interests.]

79,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-155613-5
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Published in German.
In this volume, Otmar Meuffels examines how and where committed Christians can bring their Trinitarian faith into civic citizenship and whether the Trinitarian faith's aptitude for plurality can meet current political theory at eye level and is accordingly also capable of participating in societal discussion.
In this volume, Otmar Meuffels examines how and where committed Christians can bring their Trinitarian faith into civic citizenship. Assuming communicative-structural thought, an up-to-date aesthetic-dramatic Christology is developed in the Trinitarian creed, which then introduces God the Father as the creator of a world offering the scope to be part of social fulfilments. Added to this is the Holy Ghost's power that can pervade and persuade believers to help fashion society. The question is thus posed whether the Trinitarian faith's aptitude for plurality can meet current political theory at eye level and is accordingly also capable of participating in societal discussion.

Otmar Meuffels Geboren 1957; Studium der Theologie; 1984 Priesterweihe im Bistum Aachen; 1991 Promotion; 1994 Habilitation; seit 1996 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Dogmatik an der Universität Würzburg.


The following reviews are known:

In: Lutherische Theologie und Kirche — 44 (2020), S. 283–285 (Christoph Barnbrock)