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Andreas Dietz
Das Primat der Politik in kaiserlicher Armee, Reichswehr, Wehrmacht und Bundeswehr
Rechtliche Sicherungen der Entscheidungsgewalt über Krieg und Frieden zwischen Politik und Militär
[The Primacy of Politics in the Imperial Army, the Reichswehr, the Wehrmacht und the German Federal Armed Forces. Legal Safeguards for the Power of Decision on War and Peace between Politics and the Military.]
2011. XXVII, 780 pages. Published in German.
In accordance with the primacy of politics, the armed forces are subordinate to the civil government and legitimated by parliament on the basis of a national security concept. Deficiencies in these safeguards can cause fatal involvements in wars such as the German Empire's in World War One, the Third Reich's in World War Two and even the out-of-area operations of the German armed forces. With a summary in English.