
Martin Würfel

Das Reichsjustizprüfungsamt

[The Third Reich's Ministry for the Examination of Law Students.]

Unchanged paper edition 2020; first edition; 2019. XIV, 228 pages.

Beiträge zur Rechtsgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts 104

69,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-159443-4
Published in German.
That law students in the Nazi era sat their state exams underneath swastikas hardly comes as a surprise; after all, an education provided by the state is also one for the state, and is thus both an outflow and reproduction of the prevailing law. Martin Würfel tells the story of the forgotten authority responsible for selecting young jurists for the »new« National Socialist state.
That law students in the Nazi era sat their state exams underneath swastikas hardly comes as a surprise; after all, an education provided by the state is also one for the state, and is thus both an outflow and reproduction of the prevailing law. Martin Würfel tells the story of the forgotten authority responsible for selecting young jurists for the »new« National Socialist state.

Martin Würfel Geboren 1987; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; 2013 Erstes Staatsexamen; Vorbereitungsdienst am OLG München; 2015 Zweites Staatsexamen; 2018 Promotion; seit 2018 Rechtsanwalt in einer Kanzlei auf dem Gebiet des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts.


The following reviews are known:

In: Fachbuchjournal — 2021, Heft 2, 73–75 (Michael Hettinger)