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Jörn Kowalewski
Das Vorerwerbsrecht der Mutteraktionäre beim Börsengang einer Tochtergesellschaft
Anlegeraktionärsschutz im Konzern zwischen Neoklassik und Behavioral Finance - eine juristische und ökonomische Analyse
[Preemptive Rights in Equity Carve-Outs. Legal Investor Protection in a Group of Companies between Neoclassical Economics and Behavioral Finance - an Analysis from the Perspective of Law and Economics.]
2008. XXXIV, 616 pages. Published in German.
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- 978-3-16-162944-0
In Germany, it has been controversially discussed whether equity carve-outs, in which the parent firm sells a portion of its ownership in a subsidiary via an IPO, do require any coercive preemptive rights in favor of the parent's shareholders. Jörn Kowalewski examines the scope of legal investor protection in such cases from the perspective of comparative law as well as by means of a comprehensive economic analysis.