
Arne Ziekow

Datenschutz und evangelisches Kirchenrecht

Eigenständigkeit und Eigengeartetheit des Datenschutzgesetzes der EKD

[Data Protection in the German Protestant Ecclesiastical Law. Autonomy and Individuality of the Data Protection Law of the Prostestant Church in Germany. By Arne Ziekow.]

2002. XVI, 296 pages.

Jus Ecclesiasticum 67

69,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-147783-6
Published in German.
Both the German state and the Protestant Church in Germany have a data protection law. Against the backdrop of the demands made by Protestant theology on the essence of ecclesiastical law, Ziekow begins by outlining the position of the church data protection law in the German state law pertaining to the churches. After taking a look at the historical development and present form of seal of the confession, he then examines the possibility of a specific church approach which would result in an ecclesiastical right to privacy.
Both the German state and the Protestant Church in Germany have a data protection law. Against the backdrop of the demands made by Protestant theology on the essence of ecclesiastical law, Ziekow begins by outlining the position of the church data protection law in the German state law pertaining to the churches. After taking a look at the historical development and present form of seal of the confession, he then examines the possibility of a specific church approach which would result in an ecclesiastical right to privacy.

Arne Ziekow Geboren 1967; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Berlin und Trier sowie der evangelischen Kirchenmusik in Berlin; 1994 erste, 1997 zweite juristische Staatsprüfung; 2001 Promotion; seit 1998 Rechtsanwalt in Berlin.


The following reviews are known:

In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — Jg.130 (2005), H.3, Sp.340ff (Ch. G.)
In: GDD-Mitteilungen — 2004, H.2, S.9