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Julian Staben

Der Abschreckungseffekt auf die Grundrechtsausübung

Strukturen eines verfassungsrechtlichen Arguments
[The chilling effect on the exercise of fundamental rights. Structures of a constitutional argument.]
2016. XI, 208 pages.
DOI 10.1628/9783161554889
Published in German.
Julian Staben examines chilling effects, framed as deterrence-based lines of argument, in the jurisprudence of the Bundesverfassungsgericht (German Federal Constitutional Court) and compares them with the jurisprudence of the US Supreme Court. Chilling effects follow distinct patterns when it comes to online behaviour and emerging digital practices and therefore call for their constitutional reassessment. Julian Staben's work enables a more methodologically reflective use of these arguments in the judicial discourse.

Internet und Gesellschaft (IuG)