Riccarda Feldmann

Der possessorische Besitzschutz und sein Verhältnis zum petitorischen Recht

Eine materiellrechtliche und zivilprozessuale Betrachtung
[Possessory Property Protection and its Relation to Petitory Rights. A View from Substantive and Civil Procedure Perspectives.]
2020. XXIII, 294 pages.
DOI 10.1628/978-3-16-159005-4
Published in German.
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  • 978-3-16-159005-4
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German civil law protects the current possessor - even against someone with a superior right, for example, the right of possession or the right of trespass. This generates a conflict between the possessory claim and the substantive claim of the interferer, which concerns both property law and civil procedure law. Riccarda Feldmann explores the goals which the protection of possession pursues in order to formulate basic principles for regulating the conflict between possessory and petitory claims in contemporary law as well as for future legislation.

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