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Der Staat als Aktionär
Neuntes deutsch-österreichisch-schweizerisches Symposium, Wien, 17.-18. Mai 2018
Edited by Susanne Kalss, Holger Fleischer and Hans-Ueli Vogt
[The State as Shareholder. The Ninth German-Austrian-Swiss Symposium in Vienna, May 17-18, 2018.]
2019. XV, 212 pages. Published in German.
State ownership of public and private companies plays an important role in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and is something which often results in tensions between company law and public law requirements. The contributions in this conference volume shed light on problematic areas from a variety of perspectives. Dealing with the constitutional framework for such constellations, they address the duties of directors delegated by the State and discuss public corporate governance codes and the European Court of Justice case law on golden shares as well as the role of the state as a parent company in a group structure.