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Karl Loewenstein

Des Lebens Überfluß

Erinnerungen eines ausgewanderten Juristen
Edited by Oliver Lepsius, Robert Chr. van Ooyen and Frank Schale
[The Abundance of Life. Memoirs of an Emigrated Lawyer.]
2023. XLV, 400 pages.
Published in German.
  • hardcover
  • available
  • 978-3-16-162509-1
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Karl Loewenstein (1891-1973) - eminent jurist and political scientist, creator of the idea of militant democracy, co-founder of political science in Germany - wrote an illuminating account of politics, public life, and the cultural background of constitutional thinking in the twentieth century. Fifty years after his death, Oliver Lepsius, Robert Chr. van Ooyen and Frank Schale have edited his simultaneously sharp-minded and entertaining autobiography.