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Deutsches Internationales Privatrecht im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert

Band 2: Materialien, Übersetzungen, Anmerkungen
Edited by Christian von Bar and Peter Dopffel
[German Private International Law in the 16th and 17th Centuries. Materials, Translations, Annotations. Volume 2. By Christian von Bar and H. Peter Dopffel in Cooperation with Hans Jürgen Hilling.]
2001. XXVI, 758 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-147531-3
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This is the second volume of a two-volume book that makes accessible for the first time the fundamental historical sources of German private international law from its beginning until approximately 1700, thus providing the essential background for understanding the conflict of laws theory. The two volumes cover the major works of eighteen German authors from 1481 to 1719 in the original Latin and give a translation into modern German. It is an excellent reference work on the history of private international law permitting a deeper insight into present day private international law.

Materialien zum ausländischen und internationalen Privatrecht (MatIPR)