
Joachim J. Krause

Die Bedingungen des Bundes

Studien zur konditionalen Struktur alttestamentlicher Bundeskonzeptionen

[The Conditions of the Covenant. Studies on the Conditional Structure of Old Testament Concepts of Covenant.]

134,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-159132-7
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Published in German.
Modelled on human contracts, in particular political treaties, the theological notion of YHWH's covenant describes Israel's relationship with its God as one designed with deliberation. In light of this, Joachim J. Krause enquires into the conditional structure of the various concepts of covenant in the Hebrew Bible.

This work was awarded the Hans Ehrenberg Wissenschaftspreis 2021.
Modelled on human contracts, in particular political treaties, the theological notion of YHWH's covenant describes Israel's relationship with its God as one designed with deliberation. In light of this, Joachim J. Krause enquires into the conditional structure of the various concepts of covenant in the Hebrew Bible.

Joachim J. Krause Geboren 1978; Studium der Politologie und Ev. Theologie in Berlin, Jerusalem, Tübingen und Yale; 2012–15 Vikariat und Pfarrdienst in der Ev. Landeskirche in Württemberg; 2013 Promotion; 2019 Habilitation; derzeit Leitung eines Projektes der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.


The following reviews are known:

In: Review of Biblical Literature — (07/2021) (William S. Morrow)
In: Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses — 101 (2021), S. 533–536 (Jean-Georges Heintz)
In: Theologie und Glaube — 112 (2022), S. 2–14 (Bertram Herr)
In: Biblica — 103 (2022), S. 137–139 (Bill T. Arnold)
In: Bibel und Kirche – Biblische Bücherschau — (Thomas Hieke)
In: Orientalistische Literaturzeitung — 116 (2021), S. 131–135 (Christoph Koch)
In: Arbeitskreis f.Evangelikale Theologie — (Torsten Uhlig)
In: Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (ZAW) — 133 (2021), S. 413–414 (Uwe Becker)