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Jörg Frey

Die johanneische Eschatologie

Band 3: Die eschatologische Verkündigung in den johanneischen Texten
[Johannine Eschatology. Volume III: The Eschatological Proclamation in the Johannine Texts. By Jörg Frey.]
2000. XVI, 600 pages.
Published in German.
  • cloth
  • available
  • 978-3-16-147088-2
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In the third volume of his comprehensive study on Johannine eschatology, Jörg Frey gives a thorough interpretation of the eschatological passages in the Johannine Epistles and in the Fourth Gospel. He analyzes the eschatological traditions of Johannine communities which make up the background for the understanding of the Johannine texts. In a detailed exegesis, he shows that the interpretation of the Fourth Gospel in terms of a mere present or realized eschatology can not be maintained. The textual linkage between expressions of realized eschatology and hope for future fulfilment is due to the specific rhetorical and communicative situation in the Gospel as well as in the Epistles.

Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament (WUNT I)