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Alexander Arfert
Die Konzerninsolvenz im französischen Recht
Eine Analyse des »Rechts der Unternehmen in Schwierigkeit« (droit des entreprises en difficulté) aus der Perspektive des deutschen Gesellschafts-, Insolvenz- und Zivilrechts
[Group Insolvencies in French Law. An Analysis of the »Right of Companies in Difficulty« (Droit des Entreprises en Difficulté) from the Perspective of German Corporate, Insolvency and Civil Law.]
2021. XXXIV, 659 pages. Published in German.
What lessons can German law learn from the comprehensive liability rules of French group insolvency law? Do the solutions to be found there lead to abuse being tackled more effectively and group companies being restructured more efficiently? Alexander Arfert examines these question from the perspective of both legal orders.