Georgios Gounalakis
Elektronische Kopien für Unterricht und Forschung (§ 52 a UrhG) im Lichte der Verfassung
Rechtsgutachten im Auftrag des Börsenvereins des Deutschen Buchhandels e.V.
[Electronic Copies for Teaching and Research (Paragraph 52a Copyright Act) in the Light of the Constitution. Advisory Opinions by Georgios Gounalakis Commissioned by the Association of German Book Traders.]
2003. IX, 72 pages. Published in German.
- sewn paper
- available
- 978-3-16-148216-8
This study examines to Paragraph 52a of the Copyright Act from a constitutional viewpoint, questioning whether this limitation of copyright interferes with Art. 14 of the Basic Law (German constitution) or whether it is covered under public interest.