
Christian Volkmar Witt

Martin Luthers Reformation der Ehe

Sein theologisches Eheverständnis vor dessen augustinisch-mittelalterlichem Hintergrund

[Martin Luther's Reformation of Marriage. His Theological Concept of Marriage and Its Augustinian-Medieval Background.]

114,00 €
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ISBN 978-3-16-154767-6
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Published in German.
Martin Luther's reforms were ultimately concerned with the creative redefinition of relationships between God and mankind. How these manifested themselves in Luther's discourse on marriage is comprehensively and thoroughly examined by Christian Volkmar Witt in this volume.
Martin Luther's reforms were ultimately concerned with the creative redefinition of relationships between God and mankind. The reformer applied such new definitions to certain given issues and contexts, doing exactly this with his complete and independent reformation of marriage, a theme he had worked on extensively, overhauling it from scratch. The result was a theological understanding of marriage which broke completely with the papal church's stipulations and prescribed role models. Where exactly the fissures are to be sought, which theological thought processes they were subject to and how these manifested themselves in Luther's discourse on marriage is comprehensively and thoroughly examined by Christian Volkmar Witt in this volume.

Christian Volkmar Witt Geboren 1980; Studium der Ev. Theologie, der Geschichte und der Erziehungswissenschaften; 2010 Promotion; 2010–12 Referendariat für das Lehramt der Sekundarstufen II und I in Köln; 2011 Zweites Staatsexamen; seit 2012 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Evangelisch-Theologischen Seminar der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal (Lehrstuhl für Kirchengeschichte und Systematische Theologie); 2015 Habilitation und Erteilung der venia legendi durch die Kirchliche Hochschule Wuppertal/Bethel.


The following reviews are known:

In: Lutherische Beiträge — 24 (2019), S. 56–58 (Brandt Klawitter)
In: Theologische Revue — 115 (2019), S. 190–191 (Markus Wriedt)
In: Theologische Literaturzeitung — 147 (2022), S. 711–713 (Christoph T. Nooke)
In: Theological Studies — 78 (2017), S. 748–749 (Christopher Adair-Toteff)
In: Lutherjahrbuch — 85 (2018), S. 411–414 (Roland M. Lehmann)
In: Zeitschr. f. Kirchengeschichte — 130 (2019), S. 420–421 (Michael Beyer)
In: Archiv f. ReformationsG -Literaturbericht- — 46/47 (2017/18), S. 30–32 (Wriedt)
In: Studia Patavina — 64 (2017), S. 403–404 (Alberto Bondolfi)
In: Fachbuchjournal — 2017, Heft 5, S. 66 (Michael Droege)
In: Die Tagespost — 13. April 2017, S. 6 (Joachim Werz)
In: Zeitschr.f.Histor.Forschung — 46 (2019), S. 360–362 (Iris Fleßenkämper)
In: De Processibus Matrimonialibus — 29 (2022), S. 506–513 (Heinz-Meinolf Stamm)
In: Lutheran Quarterly — 32 (2018), S. 96–98 (Jane E. Strohl)
In: Theologische Rundschau — 29 (2018), S. 177–179 (Lubomir Batka)
In: — 27. Mai 2017, S. 9 (H.J. Selderhuis)