
Staatsdenker der Vormoderne

Klassikertexte von Platon bis Martin Luther

[Political Philosophers of the Pre-Modern Age. Classical Texts from Plato to Martin Luther. With introductions, edited by Rudolf Weber-Fas.]

2005. X, 270 pages.
7,90 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-8252-2722-7
available from utb
Published in German.
This volume combines standard texts from ancient and medieval political philosophy with introductory essays on the life and works of the authors.
This volume, which is the counterpart to »Political Philosophers of the Modern Age«, published in 2003, combines standard texts from ancient and medieval political philosophy with introductory essays on the life and works of the authors. The texts presented are all lengthy unabridged excerpts from the works which are representative of their authors' style of thinking. For Rudolf Weber-Fas, it was important to select texts which are not committed to one single point of view.

Rudolf Weber-Fas Geboren 1933; Studium der Rechts-, Staats- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften in Bonn, Köln, Speyer, Hamburg, Princeton und Harvard; 1956 Promotion zum Dr. jur., 1967 zum Master of Laws; Richter an einem obersten Bundesgericht; seit 1975 Ordinarius für Öffentliches Recht und Staatslehre an der Universität Mannheim.


The following reviews are known:

In: Dialogo Filosofico — Jg.22 (2006), S.378
In: Staat und Wirtschaft in Hessen — Jg.61 (2006), H.3, S.71