
Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht (RabelsZ)

The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law

Published by the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg

Board of Directors: Holger Fleischer, Ralf Michaels, and Anne Röthel

ISSN 0033-7250 (Print Edition)
ISSN 1868-7059 (Online Edition)

  • 469.00 € Price for institutions including VAT
  • 199.00 € Price for individuals including VAT
Volume 88 (2024) / Price per volume (4 issues with approx. 820 pages)

The journal was founded in 1927 by Ernst Rabel as the key German forum for fundamental research in the field of private, economic and procedural law in their international aspects.