
Causa contractus

Auf der Suche nach den Bedingungen der Wirksamkeit des vertraglichen Willens / Alla ricerca delle condizioni di efficacia della volontà contrattuale / À la recherche des conditions de l'efficacité de la volonté contractuelle
Herausgegeben von Gregor Albers, Francesco Paolo Patti and Dorothée Perrouin-Verbe

[Causa Contractus. In Search of the Conditions for the Effectiveness of Contractual Intent. Student edition.]

139,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-163244-0
Published in German.
European legal tradition uses the notion of causa or la cause both to identify a contract's underlying purpose and to address the reasons for its enforcement. By combining a historical analysis of the causa doctrine with comparative studies of various national systems, this volume seeks to promote a common understanding of Europe's legal heritage and to present proposals for its further development. Contributions are in German, French, Italian and English, summarized by introductory chapters in English.
European legal tradition uses the notion of causa or la cause both to identify a contract's underlying purpose and to address the reasons for its enforcement. By combining a historical analysis of the causa doctrine with comparative studies of various national systems, this volume seeks to promote a common understanding of Europe's legal heritage and to present proposals for its further development. Contributions are in German, French, Italian and English, summarized by introductory chapters in English.

Gregor Albers is assistant professor (Akademischer Rat) at the Institute for Roman Law and Comparative Legal History at the University of Bonn.

Francesco Paolo Patti is associate professor at the University Bocconi of Milan.

Dorothée Perrouin-Verbe is a PhD candidate at the University of Paris II-Panthéon-Assas and teaches at CY Cergy Paris Université.


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