
Dorothea Wendebourg

Die eine Christenheit auf Erden

Aufsätze zur Kirchen- und Ökumenegeschichte

[The One Christendom on Earth. Essays on Ecclesiastical and Ecumenical History. By Dorothea Wendebourg.]

2000. V, 269 pages.
39,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-147297-8
Published in German.
Dorothea Wendebourg presents ten essays published in various places between 1984 and 1998. These essays, which have now been arranged according to subject, cover a wide span of time and history. They focus mainly on the Byzantine Middle Ages and the Reformation, but there is also an essay on an Early Church subject and discussions on modern ecclesiastical and theological history. In all the articles, Dorothea Wendebourg deals with subjects which are important for the ecumenical dialog between Eastern and Western churches and among Western churches as well. Thus beyond the relevance of current discussions she examines the feasibility of the historical foundations on which some of these dialogs are based.
Dorothea Wendebourg presents ten essays published in various places between 1984 and 1998. These essays, which have now been arranged according to subject, cover a wide span of time and history. They focus mainly on the Byzantine Middle Ages and the Reformation, but there is also an essay on an Early Church subject and discussions on modern ecclesiastical and theological history. In all the articles, Dorothea Wendebourg deals with subjects which are important for the ecumenical dialog between Eastern and Western churches and among Western churches as well. Thus beyond the relevance of current discussions she examines the feasibility of the historical foundations on which some of these dialogs are based.
Survey of contents
Die alttestamentlichen Reinheitsgesetze in der frühen Kirche – Taufe und Oikonomia. Zur Frage der Wiedertaufe in der Orthodoxen Kirche – Person und Hypostase. Zur Trinitätslehre in der neueren orthodoxen Theologie – 'Pseudomorphosis'. Ein theologisches Urteil als Axiom der kirchen- und theologiegeschichtlichen Forschung – Reformation und Orthodoxie. Das erste ökumenische Gespräch zwischen der evangelisch-lutherischen und der griechischen Kirche (1574–1581) – Chalkedon in der ökumenischen Diskussion – Die Ekklesiologie des Konzils von Trient – Den falschen Weg Roms zu Ende gegangen? Zur gegenwärtigen Diskussion über Martin Luthers Gottesdienstreform und ihr Verhältnis zu den Traditionen der Alten Kirche – Die Reformation in Deutschland und das bischöfliche Amt – Zur Entstehungsgeschichte der 'Gemeinsamen Erklärung'

Dorothea Wendebourg Geboren 1952; Professor emeritus für Kirchengeschichte an der Theologischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.


The following reviews are known:

In: The Expository Times — Jg.112 (2001) Nr.11, S. 378 (Prof. Dr. Wainwright)
In: Lutheran Quarterly — 2002, Spring issue, S. 116ff (Meg H. Madson)
In: Materialdienst Konfessionskundl. lnst. Bensheim — Jg.52 (2001) Nr.4, S. 79f. (Peter Gemeinhardt)
In: Religious Studies Review — Jg.27 (2001) Nr.3, S. 265f. (Bruce D. Marshall)