
Frankfurter Kommentar zu EUV, GRC und AEUV (2. Aufl.)

Band 4: AEUV, Artikel 216–358
Herausgegeben von Matthias Pechstein, Carsten Nowak und Ulrich Häde. Bearbeitet von Sigrid Boysen, Marten Breuer, Christoph Brömmelmeyer u.a.

[Frankfurt Commentary on the TUE, GRC and TFEU. 2nd edition. Volume 4.]

2nd edition; 2023. XXXVIII, 1638, 101* pages.
219,00 €
including VAT
ISBN 978-3-16-161478-1
Published in German.
The four-volume Commentary is one of the most comprehensive overviews of primary European Union law according to the Lisbon Treaty. It offers the reader an accessible, profound, systematic and reliably authoritative clarification of the core primary law provisions of the institutional and substantive laws of the EU. Its team of authors is made up of 57 noted jurists with extremely wide expertise in union law. Their well-founded commentaries provide important contributions to further scholarly penetration of the multifaceted right of the European Union.
The four-volume Commentary is one of the most comprehensive overviews of primary European Union law according to the Lisbon Treaty. It offers the reader an accessible, profound, systematic and reliably authoritative clarification of the core primary law provisions of the institutional and substantive laws of the EU. Its team of authors is made up of 57 noted jurists with extremely wide expertise in union law. Their well-founded commentaries provide important contributions to further scholarly penetration of the multifaceted right of the European Union.

Matthias Pechstein ist Inhaber des Jean-Monnet-Lehrstuhls für Öffentliches Recht mit Schwerpunkt Europarecht an der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).

Carsten Nowak ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Öffentliches Recht, insbesondere Europarecht an der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).

Ulrich Häde ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Öffentliches Recht, insbesondere Verwaltungsrecht, Finanzrecht und Währungsrecht an der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).


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