
Streitbeilegung in den internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen

Völkerrechtliche Einhegung ökonomischer Globalisierungsprozesse
Hrsg. v. Thilo Marauhn

[Settlement of Disputes in International Economic Relations. A Legal Framework for Economic Globalization.]

2005. VII, 108 pages.
29,00 €
including VAT
sewn paper
ISBN 978-3-16-148137-6
Published in German.
International economic development needs a solid framework. This primarily depends upon the positions taken by major actors. However, in order to deal with disputes in this field, public international law can contribute to legal certainty by providing accepted dispute settlement mechanisms. Contributions cover the WTO, free trade associations, investment disputes, the protection of intellectual property rights and the recent debate about debt restructuring mechanisms for sovereign debtors.
International economic development needs a solid framework. This primarily depends upon the positions taken by major actors. However, in order to deal with disputes in this field, public international law can contribute to legal certainty by providing accepted dispute settlement mechanisms. Contributions cover the WTO, free trade associations, investment disputes, the protection of intellectual property rights and the recent debate about debt restructuring mechanisms for sovereign debtors.

Thilo Marauhn ist Professor für Öffentliches Recht, Völkerrecht und Europarecht an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.


The following reviews are known:

In: Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt — 2006, H.1, S.40 (Oliver Dörr)