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Cover of: Are you Injurer or Victim? Liability for Accidents under Role-Type Uncertainty
Nuno Garoupa, Adrián Segura

Are you Injurer or Victim? Liability for Accidents under Role-Type Uncertainty

Section: Articles
Volume 177 (2021) / Issue 4, pp. 391-403 (13)
Published 17.08.2021
DOI 10.1628/jite-2021-0013
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  • 10.1628/jite-2021-0013
We show that when parties are uncertain about their nature (injurer or victim) in accidents, conventional results in the bilateral accident model need to be reassessed. Legal policy implications are derived. Specifically, the efficient liability rule inevitably begs for a form of negligence that internalizes uncertainty concerning the parties (injurer or victim) and their subjective perceptions.