
Michael Fehling, Miriam Tormin

Das Teilen von Forschungsdaten zwischen Wissenschaftsfreiheit und guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis

Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in den Förderbedingungen in deutsch-amerikanischer Perspektive

Section: Treatises
Wissenschaftsrecht (WissR)

Volume 54 () / Issue 3-4, pp. 281-324 (44)
Published 09.05.2023

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Although data sharing is important for the scientific progress and increasingly considered to be an essential part of research integrity, it is still far from being common practice. There are huge gaps between different scientific disciplines, but also national differences such as between Germany and the United States relating to different understandings of the right to freedom of science. It is argued that the understanding of the constitutional right and good scientific practice reciprocally influence each other. Funding agencies can play a key role in encouraging researchers to share their data. As standards evolve in the direction of more data availability, pushed in particular by design options in the funding process, stricter legal requirements can be justified. Funders should begin with providing support to make the granting access of information more attractive. As data sharing becomes more common practice, funding agencies can reward previous and require future data sharing efforts in accordance with the freedom of science and requirements of good scientific practice.

Michael Fehling Geboren 1963; 1983–88 Studium der Rechts- und Politikwissenschaften; 1991 zweites jur. Staatsexamen; 1993 Promotion; 1995–96 Studium in Berkeley, USA; 1988–2000 Wiss. Mitarbeiter und Wiss. Assistent an der Universität Freiburg; 2000 Habilitation; seit 2000 Hochschuldozent an der Universität Freiburg; ab September 2001 Professor für Öffentliches Recht an der Bucerius Law School in Hamburg.

Miriam Tormin No current data available.