
Lars Viellechner

Die Anwendbarkeit der Grundrechte im Internationalen Privatrecht: Zur Methodik der Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts über die Kinderehe

Volume 87 () / Issue 4, pp. 748-765 (18)
Published 13.11.2023

The Applicability of Fundamental Rights in Private International Law: On the Methodology of the Federal Constitutional Court's Decision Regarding Child Marriage. – In its decision on the Act to Prevent Child Marriages, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany does not explicitly address the applicability of fundamental rights in private international law. It only considers some cross-border effects of the statute in the context of the proportionality test. According to its own earlier case law, however, it should have taken a position on this question. It could also have taken the opportunity to further develop a constitutional notion of conflict of laws, which equally shines through its decisions on the relationship between the Basic Law and both international law as well as European Union law. With resort to such a method, not only could it have clarified a question of principal significance regarding the relationship between fundamental rights and private international law, it might also have reached a different result in the present case.

Lars Viellechner ist Professor für Öffentliches Recht, insbesondere Verfassungsrecht, Verfassungstheorie, Rechtsphilosophie und Transnationales Recht an der Universität Bremen.