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Cover of: Geography versus Institutions: New Perspectives on the Growth of Africa and the Middle East
Abdallah Zouache, Olivier Parent

Geography versus Institutions: New Perspectives on the Growth of Africa and the Middle East

Section: Articles
Volume 168 (2012) / Issue 3, pp. 488-518 (31)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/093245612802921006
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  • 10.1628/093245612802921006
This article examines the growth performance of Africa and the Middle East for the period 1990–2005. It employs a Bayesian model-averaging method that constructs estimates as a weighted average of spatial autoregressive estimates for every possible combination of included variables. One of the results is that the inclusion of spatial dependences has a direct impact on the determinants of growth in Africa and the Middle East. A main contribution of this article is to consider geographical effects in a more flexible way, which allows an enriched comprehension of the role of institutional factors in explaining low economic development.