
Friedhelm Hartenstein

Kosmologische Defizite und biblisch-hermeneutische Anregungen

Was lässt sich aus der Coronapandemie für theologisches Denken lernen?

Section: Contributions to the Discussion
Theologische Rundschau (ThR)

Volume 86 () / Issue 3-4, pp. 271-285 (15)
Published 25.01.2022

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Crises hold the potential to point out gaps in hitherto valid concepts of world interpretation. In view of the current global Corona pandemic, the present article gives consideration to a deficit regarding a cosmological interpretation of nature in contemporary theology. Suggestions from recent literary studies and philosophy point to the important role of a poetics of nature that can be interpreted in religious terms. Taking up corresponding Old Testament and Near Eastern patterns of cosmological world-interpretation from the Book of Psalms, Job or the Egyptian concept of Ma'at, the article offers hermeneutical suggestions on the question of what can be learned from the Corona pandemic for Theology today.

Friedhelm Hartenstein Geboren 1960; Studium der Ev. Theologie, Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie; 1996 Promotion; 2001 Habilitation; 2002–10 Professor für Altes Testament und altorientalische Religionsgeschichte an der Universität Hamburg; seit 2010 Professor für Altes Testament an der LMU München.