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Cover of: Mehrstimmrechte im Spiegel von Rechtsvergleichung und Ökonomie
Eckart Bueren, Jennifer Crowder

Mehrstimmrechte im Spiegel von Rechtsvergleichung und Ökonomie

Section: Aufsätze
Volume 88 (2024) / Issue 1, pp. 87-150 (65)
Published 08.03.2024
DOI 10.1628/rabelsz-2024-0015
Published in German.
  • article PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY 4.0
  • 10.1628/rabelsz-2024-0015
Multiple Voting Rights Through the Lenses of Comparative Law and Economics. Multiple voting rights have been gaining ground internationally with several jurisdictions authorizing them in little more than a decade, including for listed companies. Germany recently followed suit with its »Zukunftsfinanzierungsgesetz«, and the EU Commission intends to do the same as part of the Listing Act. This article explains these developments with a view to contemporary conditions and law and economics conceptions. It then contrasts them with developments in the United States, Asia, and Europe and sheds light on their relationship to other trends in corporate law. Particular attention is paid to findings that may help to proper-ly calibrate mechanisms against abuse, e. g. a possible segment specificity, limitations on resolution items, variations in terms of sunsets or time-phased voting (loyalty shares). The article concludes with considerations on how multiple voting rights and other key legislative objectives of recent years, namely stewardship, sustainability, and corporate purpose, can be coherently developed.