
Bernd Schröder

Öffentliche Religionspädagogik

Perspektiven einer theologischen Disziplin

Volume 110 () / Issue 1, pp. 109-132 (24)

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Referring to Habermas' »structural transformation of the public sphere«, written in 1962, the author describes the characteristics of »public sphere« and deals with the current function and challenges of religious education. Religious education is understood as both the practice of teaching religion and a theory in the framework of theology and is meant to be of public interest from the public's viewpoint as well as from a religious view of the world.

Bernd Schröder Geboren 1965; Studium der Ev. Theologie und der Judaistik; 1995 Promotion; 2000 Habilitation; 2001–11 Professor für Religionspädagogik an der Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken; seit 2011 Professor für Praktische Theologie mit Schwerpunkt Religionspädagogik an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen.