
Kathy Ehrensperger

Paul, the Jewish Apostle to the Nations

Key Aspects of the Paul within Judaism Perspective

Section: Articles
Early Christianity (EC)

Volume 14 () / Issue 1, pp. 35-54 (20)
Published 12.04.2023

16,00 € including VAT
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To affirm that Paul was a Jew did not emerge with the Paul within Judaism perspective, but only in recent decades have scholars begun not to evaluate this negatively over against Christianity. When the label »Paul within Judaism« appeared on the scene of scholarly research, it assembled under its umbrella a number of scholars who had argued over a significant period of time and from diverse angles that not only Paul himself but also his message should be seen as fully part of the range of Jewish traditions of the time. This has implications for all aspects of Pauline theologizing, including the key aspects of the assessment of time as messianic time, the role of scripture for ethnē in Christ, and God's faithfulness to his people Israel.

Kathy Ehrensperger Geboren 1956; Forschungsprofessur Neues Testament in jüdischer Perspektive am Abraham Geiger Kolleg.