
Tobias Nicklas

Paulus und die Errettung Israels. Röm 11,25–36 in der exegetischen Diskussion und im jüdisch-christlichen Dialog

Section: Articles
Early Christianity (EC)

Volume 2 () / Issue 2, pp. 173-197 (25)

17,50 € including VAT
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One of the key texts of today's Christian-Jewish dialogue, Rom 11:25–36, is full of exegetical problems, which have been a matter of debate for a long time. The following contribution wants to solve some of them by a close philological and historical analysis of the text, which receives many of its main impulses from the ideas of the Roman catholic exegete Franz Mußner. The article finally discusses Mußner's idea of a »Sonderweg« for Israel's salvation and tries to distinguish several ways of developing this idea for today's Christian-Jewish dialogue.

Tobias Nicklas Born 1967; 2000 Dr. theol.; 2004 Dr. theol. habil. Universität Regensburg; 2005–07 Professor of Neues Testament, Radboud Universität Nijmegen; Chair of New Testament Studies, Universität Regensburg; Director of the Centre for Advanced Studies »Beyond Canon« at the Universität Regensburg; President of the Eastern European Liaison Committee (EELC) of the Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS).