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Cover of: Pollution Permit Market and International Trade-Exposed Sector: Differentiated Allocations versus Border Adjustment
Florence Naegelen, Michel Mougeot

Pollution Permit Market and International Trade-Exposed Sector: Differentiated Allocations versus Border Adjustment

Section: Articles
Volume 176 (2020) / Issue 3, pp. 473-495 (23)
Published 18.03.2020
DOI 10.1628/jite-2020-0031
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  • 10.1628/jite-2020-0031
To limit the loss of competitiveness when domestic firms are subject to stronger regulation than international competitors, a cap-and-trade policy can be associated either with partial grandfathering or with border adjustment. We compare the two policies from a domestic social-welfare point of view when distributional concerns matter. We exhibit the conditions under which these policies have to be implemented, and we show that exportside border adjustment welfare-dominates partial grandfathering. However, the former policy results in a higher profit in the export sector but both a lower consumer surplus and lower profits of domestic-market-oriented firms.