
Torsten Jantsch

»Sokratische« Themen in der Areopagrede: Apg 17,22–31 im Kontext der antiken Philosophiegeschichte

Section: Articles
Early Christianity (EC)

Volume 8 () / Issue 4, pp. 481-503 (23)

16,10 € including VAT
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Research has identified a number of parallels to Paul's Areopagus Speech (Acts 17:22–31) in Greco-Roman philosophy. This aspect needs further clarification. Based on the fact that Luke portrays Paul in analogy to Socrates, this essay argues that the main issues of the Areopagus Speech's theology have significant parallels in the Socratic tradition. This will be shown particularly on the basis of Xenophon's Memorabilia, Plato's early dialogues, and later traditions that refer to Socrates.

Torsten Jantsch Geboren 1976; 1996–2002 Studium der Ev. Theologie; 2004–09 Pfarrdienst; 2009 Promotion; 2009–11 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, 2011–17 Akademischer Rat im Beamtenverhältnis auf Zeit an der Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät der LMU München; 2015 Habilitation; derzeit Privatdozent an der Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät der LMU München.