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Cover of: Strategies of Diversity and Hegemony
Volker Leppin

Strategies of Diversity and Hegemony

Section: Articles
Volume 1 (2024) / Issue 1, pp. 3-29 (27)
Published 09.11.2023
DOI 10.1628/hirec-2024-0003
  • article PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY-SA 4.0
  • 10.1628/hirec-2024-0003
This essay takes the position of Western Christian theology. It deals with the role of premodern studies in the current state of academia and society. It argues that researching historical religious encounters can help understand strategies of diversity. It does so by broadening the question of encounter: In particular concerning Judaism, Christianity does not only get in touch with Jewish religion but at its core it is shaped by Jewish symbols and concepts, not the least the concept of a Messiah. When trying to understand how premodern Christianity acted facing multiple claims to religious truth, the essay outlines two strategies: Othering on the one hand, and bearing a lasting ambiguity on the other. The latter means awareness of Christianity of its inevitable entanglement with other religions. In the end, it argues, that learning about sensitivity toward diversity in an exemplary field can help to develop a more adequate Christian self-identification for the future.