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Cover of: Substantive versus Procedural Liberalism: Exploring a Dilemma of Contemporary Liberal Thought
Gerhard Wegner

Substantive versus Procedural Liberalism: Exploring a Dilemma of Contemporary Liberal Thought

Section: Article
Volume 165 (2009) / Issue 3, pp. 535-557 (23)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/093245609789472005
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  • 10.1628/093245609789472005
Contemporary economic liberalism comes in two forms: a substantive version, which defines the scope and extent of economic policy, and a procedural version, which draws on citizens' preferences. Whereas the recent reconception of economic liberalism based on social-contract theory considers the two versions to be consonant with each other, this paper argues that they differ in ways largely overlooked. It is shown that the dilemma between these two types of liberalism is rooted in an inadequate transfer of the concept of preferences from household to politics. A solution for the dilemma is offered.