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Cover of: The Selective Paulus Voet being a translation of those sections regarded as relevant to modern conflict of laws, of the De Statutis Eorumque Concursu Liber Singularis (Amstelodami, 1661)
Kurt Siehr

The Selective Paulus Voet being a translation of those sections regarded as relevant to modern conflict of laws, of the De Statutis Eorumque Concursu Liber Singularis (Amstelodami, 1661)

Section: Literatur
Volume 76 (2012) / Issue 2, pp. 463-468 (6)
Published 09.07.2018
DOI 10.1628/003372512800133417
  • article PDF
  • Open Access
    CC BY 4.0
  • 10.1628/003372512800133417
The Selective Paulus Voet being a translation of those sections regarded as relevant to modern conflict of laws, of the De Statutis Eorumque Concursu Liber Singularis (Amstelodami, 1661)