
Adrian Hemler

Virtuelle Verfahrensteilnahme aus dem Ausland und Souveränität des fremden Aufenthaltsstaats

Zugleich ein Beitrag zum Verhältnis des Völkerrechts zum Kollisionsrecht

Volume 86 () / Issue 4, pp. 905-934 (30)
Published 11.10.2022

Virtual Participation in Court Proceedings from Abroad and Its Effects on the Sovereignty of the Foreign State of Residence – With Consideration of the Relationship Between Public International Law and the Conflict of Laws. – Most German-speaking scholars and some German courts consider participation in virtual court proceedings from a foreign state of residence to be a violation of foreign sovereignty. This essay stakes out a contrary position. In reaching this conclusion, it focuses on the distinction between the exercise of state power abroad and the exercise of state power regarding foreign facts. Especially with regards to extraterritorial legislation, it is argued that the law’s scope of sovereign validity remains territorial even if its scope of application covers facts abroad. The discussion also shows how this distinction is equally applicable to court judgments that concern foreign elements. Furthermore, the article discusses the nature of public international law principles regarding extraterritorial legislation and their relationship to national conflict of laws provisions. Also considered is how the sovereignty principle ought to be understood in cyberspace. Having established this theoretical foundation, it is concluded that regardless of the procedural role of the respective party, participation in virtual court proceedings from a foreign state of residence does not amount to a violation of foreign sovereignty.

Adrian Hemler Geboren 1991; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft in Berlin; seit 2018 Rechtsreferendar am LG Baden-Baden (OLG-Bezirk Karlsruhe); 2019 Promotion am Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Internationales Privat- und Verfahrensrecht und Rechtsvergleichung der Universität Konstanz.