
Moritz Renner, Torsten Kindt

Wirtschaftsrecht und Politische Ökonomie

Section: Essays
JuristenZeitung (JZ)

Volume 78 () / Issue 8, pp. 313-320 (8)
Published 17.04.2023

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In recent years, the “Law & Political Economy” movement has raised much attention at leading US law schools. It purports to become “the next big thing” in legal scholarship. The discussion has now reached Europe. This article sketches out the central assertions of the (allegedly) new methodological approach, which defines itself mainly in contrast to Law & Economics and aims to bring more prominence to the political dimensions of law. Especially with regard to economic law, however, the current literature on “Law & Political Economy” reveals certain ideologically motivated presuppositions as well as a partly reductionist perception of actual legal practice in areas such as antitrust law, corporate law and international economic law. Against this background, the article advocates for a broader interpretation of Law and Political Economy that reflects potential convergences with other institutionalist approaches including Law & Economics.

Moritz Renner Geboren 1981; Studium der Rechtswissenschaften in Berlin, Padua und New York; 2010 Promotion (Bremen); Referendariat am Kammergericht; 2012–17 Lichtenberg-Professor für Transnationales Wirtschaftsrecht und Theorie des Wirtschaftsrechts an der Universität Bremen; seit 2017 Professor für Bürgerliches Recht, Internationales und Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht an der Universität Mannheim.

Torsten Kindt Geboren 1987; Studium der Rechtswissenschaft an den Universitäten Heidelberg und Cambridge; 2015 Erste juristische Staatsprüfung; Referendariat in Heidelberg, Frankfurt a. M., Speyer und Karlsruhe; 2017 Zweite juristische Staatsprüfung; 2021 LL.M. (Stanford); 2022 Promotion (Mannheim); Akademischer Rat a. Z. und Habilitand am Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, Internationales und Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht der Universität Mannheim.