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James M. Scott
Born 1955; Dr. theol. at the University of Tübingen; since 1990 Professor of Religious Studies at Trinity Western University; 1992-93 Humboldt postdoctoral Fellow.
The following reviews are known:
In: Archivo Teologico Granadino—(1992), Nr. 55, S. 342-343
(A. Segovia)
In: Ashland Theological Journal—Vol. 27, (1995), S. 160-163
(Chrys C. Caragounis)
In: Biblica—Vol. 75 (1994), Heft 2, S. 283-287
(J. Schlosser)
In: Catholic Biblical Quarterly—56 (1994), S. 148-150
(D.M. Sweetland)
In: —31 (1996), S. 129-130
(Estudio Agustiniano)
In: Estudios Josefinos—Jg. 48, (1994), Nr. 96, S.295ff
(Antonio Carrasco)
In: Evangelical Quarterly—Jg. 67, (1995), Nr. 2, S. 171-174
(J. Proctor)
In: —(1994), Nr. 54, S. 121-122
(Journal for the Study of the New Testament (JSNT))
In: Journal for the Study of the Old Testament—1995, S. 168
(C.J.A. Hickling)
In: Journal of Biblical Literature—Jg. 113, (1994), Nr. 3, S. 548-550
(Rollin G. Grams)
In: Journal of Theological Studies—Vol. 44, (1993), Nr. 1, S. 288-294
(B. Byrne)
In: —Vol. 37, (1993), Nr. 1, S. 131
(New Testament Abstracts)
In: —April (1995), S. 305-306
(Revue Biblique)
In: Southwestern Journal of Theology—Vol. 35, (1993), Nr. 3, S. 53
(E. Ellis)
In: Theological Book Review—Vol. 5, (1993), Nr. 2, S. 21
(D. Horrell)
In: —Vol. 40 (1993), Heft 3, S. 290
(Theology Digest)
In: Tijdschrift voor Theologie—Vol. 33 (1993), Nr. 3, S. 296
(A. van Diemen)