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Aktuelle Entwicklungen im deutschen, österreichischen und schweizerischen Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht 2012
Edited by Holger Fleischer, Susanne Kalss and Hans-Ueli Vogt
[The Current Developments in German, Austrian and Swiss Corporate and Capital Markets Law 2012.]
2013. VIII, 311 pages. Published in German.
- sewn paper
- available
- 978-3-16-152581-0
This volume combines the papers and reports from a conference for comparative law at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg. The authors deal with the similarities and the differences between the three countries concerned and make suggestions for legal reforms and further case law development. The topics covered include corporate governance codes, shareholder actions to set aside resolutions of the annual general meeting, acting in concert in takeover law, shareholder agreements and flexible financial instruments such as contingent convertibles.