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Aktuelle Herausforderungen des chinesischen und deutschen Strafrechts

Beiträge der zweiten Tagung des Chinesisch-Deutschen Strafrechtslehrerverbands in Peking vom 3. bis 4. September 2013
Edited by Eric Hilgendorf
[Current Challenges Facing Chinese and German Criminal Law. Contributions to the Second Conference of the Chinese-German Criminal Law Scholars´ Association in Peking, 2-3 September 2013.]
2015. VIII, 240 pages.
Published in German.
  • sewn paper
  • available
  • 978-3-16-153741-7
China and Germany work together closely within the framework of criminal justice learning. This conference volume contains contributions by Chinese and German authors on general criminal justice learning, the principle of objective imputation and the liability of organizations for inferior or fake goods.

Schriften zum Ostasiatischen Strafrecht (OstAStrR)